Monday, October 5, 2020

Acts of Salvation (Men of Wrath, #2) by Eleanor Aldrick

Acts of Salvation
Eleanor Aldrick
(Men of WRATH, #2)
Publication date: September 22nd 2020
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Suspense

Ren Moretti

I’ve lived my entire life to the beat of one simple motto.

Work hard to play hard.

A no brainer, really.

As one of five partners to a nationwide security firm, I do whatever it takes to get the job done, making sure to reward myself with whatever the hell I want.

Sure, the job comes with its own set of dangers—but none of the bullets or knives come close to the peril of one alluring young woman.

Casandra Martinez—my little angel—is a risk all on her own.

Turning my world from black and white to vibrant; she’s a sensory overload and far from simple.

But the biggest problem is far worse than just a kink in my routine.

No. She’s off limits. Forbidden.

Unwilling to heed the warning, I’m drawn to her light.

And like a moth to the flame, I fall.

Only one question remains…

Will her love be my salvation or my demise?

Dear reader,

Acts of Salvation is book two in the Men of WRATH series but could be read as a Standalone. WARNING (OR INVITATION): AOS contains mature language and gasp-worthy scenes.

Goodreads / Amazon

Author Bio:

Writing about yourself is hard. Writing about yourself in the third person is even harder.

Instead of giving myself all kinds of accolades and touting my writing prowess (or lack thereof), I’ll just share some of the bits that make me who I am. Sound good? Good.

Reading has always been a big part of my life. Growing up, my mother would walk into my room well into the wee hours of the morning only to have to tell me to put my books away and sleep.

If you're a bibliophile like me, I’m sure you can relate.

I never stopped reading nor did my love for it diminish. As time passed, my reading tastes evolved and I found myself devouring romance novels left and right (find me on Goodreads). So naturally, when I found myself unfulfilled with my learned profession, I turned to writing the books I loved to read.

It started as a hobby but with my husband's encouragement, it grew into what it is today, the start of my new, and very much loved career.

I hope that my story serves as an inspiration and that regardless of where you are in life, you are able to follow your dreams and give yourself your very own happily ever after.

With Love,
Eleanor Aldrick

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