Title: The Initiation
Series: The 4Horsemen #1
Author: Elena Monroe
Genre: Dark New Adult Romance
Release Date: August 4, 2020
The seals have
been revealed and God’s judgments on the earth is in. The Clave is here to
deliver the news.
LA wasn’t home… just
home for now.
Transplanted here to
model I learned Hollywood isn’t where dreams survive the harsh reality of
millions all sharing that same dream.
Executive assistant
is who I am now.
Hollywood’s darling
took a liking to me. One not easily ignored when they give you a taste of the
high life.
I was supposed to
give up hope and give in to LA’s bad reputation but I had rules.
Well, just
one: read the rules before you break them.
Unwilling to abandon
all my morals, the filter came off my life to see the world I was one foot in
was invitation only...
I’m not sure I was
ever really Jason.
Whoever he was, was
a distant memory now.
Grimm is who I am
I abandoned my birth
name, companionship, happiness that wasn’t shaped like Xanax all because I was
expected to be the kind of elite that pulls the strings.
Pull the strings but
follow the rules.
No distractions.
No serious
Keep what we do
Born into a rite I
didn’t ask for, a society of puppeteers.
An invitation I
marked not attending...
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We were all related
to monsters.
All heir to corrupt
Forced to uphold
some delusion that we are doing God’s will by ridding the world of the bad
people when we should be included in that kind of purge.
“It’s down to the
right. There’s a bunker. That’s where they keep the sacrifices,” I was finally
tired of wondering around when I knew exactly where to go.
I found them by
mistake one year when I was ten, back when inviting your whole family was more
common. They expected everyone to be present even if you weren’t weilding a
musket and shooting real people down.
The four of us used
to play hide and seek on the grounds just to keep ourselves entertained. I
always had the best hiding places, this was our vacation home when it wasn’t
being used for some ceremony the Clave hosted.
I was ten years old
when I found people in cages in the bunker we were told to stay away from. They
were all dugged, out of it like they were dreaming with their eyes open. I
envied them. Dreaming with your eyes wide open seemed like the perfect antidote
to life, too bad that kind of safety only came before you died.
It wasn’t until my
first attendance I realized these people weren’t lucky at all. They were bait,
aggression running wild, enemies of the Clave that we hunted for sport.
None of them were
going to survive - the least we could do was let them dream with their eyes
wide open.
Author Bio
Elena Monroe
grew up in Florida scribbling down stories from a very young age. These stories
were really just wavy lines filling the paper, but she knew each word, each
emotion, each character's name, and there was no tricking her into forgetting
what each line signified. Just like her unconventional way of writing as a
toddler Elena is setting her own rules and just telling stories.
Much like her debut novel, The Best Years, life certainly imitated art.
Transplanting from the South to the East Coast, Elena currently lives in
Connecticut with her soon to be husband, reformed bad boy.
Find her on her social media through Twitter at @elenamonroe, Instagram at
@elenamonroewrites, Facebook at @elenamonroewrites, and more!
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