Monday, July 6, 2020

Treasure You: A Fusion of Universe Novella by Crystal Perkins

Title: Treasure You: A Fusion of Universe Novella
Author: Crystal Perkins 
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: August 10, 2020
Cover Design: Kari March

Everyone has always told me I'm the best baker. My family, my friends, my town. Going on a televised baking competition should have been a dream come true, but it turned into my worst nightmare. Now, I need to start over in a new town, and with an old friend. 
Dario Wells was once honest with me, and I punished him for it. I'm getting a second-chance at making things right--and falling back in love with him. But I need to believe in myself before I can believe in a future for us.
I worked hard to become a successful businessman, but there's always been something missing. Or someone. When Tira Coulson needs me, how can I say no? She hasn't talked to me in six years, but I've never stopped loving her. 
It's time for me to prove to both of us that I can be the man who treasures her above all else--and maybe get her to bake for me again.

Crystal Perkins has always been a big reader, but she never thought she would write her own book, until she sat down in 2014 and did it. She's now published over 40 books, and has been featured in several anthologies as well. She lived in Las Vegas for over a decade, where you could find her running author events and winning bookseller awards. She's currently living in North Dakota to be closer to her family, but she still considers Vegas to be her home city. When she's not reading a few hundred books a year or chasing after her grandson, you can find her watching hockey (Go Knights Go!) and trying to find the perfect shade of lipstick. She loves Star Wars AND Star Trek, but if pushed to choose, it will always be Leia and her crew who come out on top. Her love of all things nerdy comes through in her book characters, no matter the genre. A mac and cheese connoisseur, she travels the world looking for the perfect version, while attending book conventions and signings as a cover for her research. Poutine research is also conducted regularly on her trips.


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