Monday, June 22, 2020

When We Are Old (If We Were... #2) by Anna Bloom

Title: When We Are Old
Series: If We Were... #2
Author: Anna Bloom
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 20, 2020


Ronnie Childs has questions.
What happens now she and Matthew Carling have crossed the line into love?
Can they survive the enormous pressure that turning a lifelong dream into reality entails?
And what happens when fate sends them a curveball neither of them expects?

Matthew Carling has questions of his own.
How can he protect his boys from the bitter battle with his ex?
What happens now he’s given everything up for memories and love?
Can he and Ronnie survive when life keeps throwing all it has at them?
When things get real and playing grown-ups loses its charm, will reality make them both ache for the past? Will their promise to love one another even when they are old become one of the most difficult promises they’ve ever tried to keep? The prize of forever has never seemed further away.

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I sighed. Three days of perfection. Reading my sigh, he pulled me around and caught my face softly in his hands, cradling me like I was a rare gem he was scared to lose. The sun slanted across his face, his dark hair lifting in the breeze, the strands of black lit with unexpected fiery hues of red. His lips lowered to mine, dark lashes fluttering against his cheekbones, and I held my breath, filled with an expectation that could make me explode. A deep and never-ending wanting that ate at my bones until I was weary with the needy ache.
“Marry me.” His question slipped into the air, rushing out to sea and mixing with the salt and brine in the air.
My chest heaved, caving with delight. I gasped a lungful of air, wide eyes meeting his.
With all my heart a yes pounded within me, it rushed in my veins, desperate to hit the surface and make itself known.
Another kiss, firmer, pushing for entry. I opened my mouth, his hot tongue slipping against mine, one of my favourite things. He cradled my head, tilting me with a mastery that made me a puppet in his hands.

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Author Bio

A book hoarder and coffee addict by heart Anna Bloom loves to write extraordinary stories about real love. Based south of London with her husband, three children and a dog with a beard, Anna likes to connect with readers, fan girl over her favourite authors and binge watch Supernatural and Superhero movies while drinking lots of wine.

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"Now I live for the moments in between:  the laughs, the jokes, those glances that pass in a language that doesn't need words."

5 Powerful and Emotional Stars!  Great follow up... I was hooked... and not prepared for the emotions I felt reading!

This is the continuation of Ronnie and Matthews story from book one.  And this one goes a little deeper and emotional than book one.  I loved the deep dive we do in this book and we see the changes these two make to overcome their difficulties or rough patches.  Ronnie is definitely the main one we see go through a big change and that's mostly because she has Matthew by her side, to help steer her through everything.  We also get to know more about Matthew in this book and you'll definitely see his heart and emotion shine through, and I dare you to not fall in love with this boy!!!

I really loved book one but after reading this one, I have to say it's my favorite.  My emotions are still all over the place.  I loved Ronnie and Matthew's story and their development.  It was fun to see them strive over the issues and become stronger than ever.  I can't recommend this book highly enough!

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