We're ready to put out a hit on this amazing cover!
It's an offer you won't want to resist.
Check out the cover of the Mobbed Up Anthology, coming to you exclusively at #TNTNYC20!
Photography & Design: FuriousFotog
It's only $25.00 and you can have it shipped if you won't be attending the event.
Ready to get Mobbed Up in October?
Get your #TNTNYC event tickets HERE: http://www.tntnyc.net
NINE AUTHORS FROM THE TEMPTED AND TANTALIZING AUTHOR EVENT are joining together to bring you this paperback, which is exclusive to #TNTNYC20 and includes nine short stories. Some feature the most notorious crime bosses to even walk the streets. Others center around the soldiers, associates, and enforcers who make the mafia the lethal force it is.
Leave the gun, take the cannolis, and let yourself become mobbed up while these authors take you into the underworld, where danger, sin, and revenge to hand in hand with love.
FEATURING: Angel Rose, Cyndi Faria, Elizabeth Knox, Gwyn McNamee, Janine Infante Bosco, Jeannine Colette, Jennifer Field, M. Merin & Nicole Banks.
Get to know the contributing authors today!
Angel Rose: https://www.authorangelrose.com
Cyndi Faria: https://www.cyndifaria.com
Elizabeth Knox: https://elizabethknoxbooks.com
Gwyn McNamee: https://www.gwynmcnamee.com
Janine Infante Bosco: https://www.janineinfantebosco.com
Jeannine Colette: http://jeanninecolette.com
Jennifer Field: http://www.jenniferfield-author.com
M. Merin: https://www.mmerin.com
Nicole Banks: https://msha.ke/_nicolebanks_
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