Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Primitivo (Mendoza Family, #2) by Rose Croft

Title: Primitivo
Series: Mendoza Family #2
Author: Rose Croft
Genre: New Adult
Release Date: December 4, 2019



It’s been said…
When life gives you lemons,
You make lemonade.
I know that drill by heart.

When life gives you eternal love,
You take it and hold on forever.

When your love gives you a child,
You cherish and protect him with all
Your heart.

When your heart gets crushed,
You reconstruct it with steel.

It’s also been said…
There’s a thin line between love and hate,
I’d say…you have no idea.

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Praise for Primitivo

"I can’t even describe right now how much I loved Primitivo by Rose Croft! She’s gone and taken all my feels, put them in a blender and mixed them together to make the ultimate emotional cocktail."—Goodreads Reviewer

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Author Bio

Rose Croft is a wannabe poet and a writer in her own mind. She’s a wife and mom to a beautiful daughter and lives her own happily ever after. For updates on her books or if you just want to visit and chat about anything and everything, visit her on the following links.

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