Tuesday, June 30, 2020

L.O.V.E. by Krissy Daniels

Today we are sharing the exciting release for L.O.V.E. by Krissy Daniels! This is a contemporary romance, standalone title. You can purchase it now. Follow Krissy on Facebook for details.


L.O.V.E. by Krissy Daniels

A Contemporary Romance | Coming June 30, 2020
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Book Blurb:

Our relationship, mine and Cole’s, isn’t a simple one. It’s complicated, frustrating and, at times, downright ugly. You see, I fell for a man who couldn’t love me back. Hard as I tried to avoid the dimpled prince of Seattle, life threw us together. As much as we resisted temptation, he burrowed his way into my heart. Sinful as our attraction was, our destinies were entwined. Don’t worry. Ours is a love story, after all. I had no idea how our fairytale would play out, but one thing I knew for certain? Fate had a twisted sense of humor, and she did not play fair.





  Krissy is a full time writer, avid reader, and lover of dark and dirty romance. Growing up surrounded by the great outdoors, her childhood was full of adventure that fueled an overactive imagination and ignited a passion for storytelling. Whether it be dolls, or running free through the wooded areas surrounding her home, playtime always included a tormented villain, a damsel in distress and a larger than life hero. After relentless encouragement from friends and family, she finally put the characters in her head to pen and paper. The only thing she loves more than curling up with a steamy romance novel, is cozying up to her desk and writing her own sexy adventures to share with others.  


Naughty All Night by Jennifer Bernard

Today we have the release day blitz for Jennifer Bernard’s Naughty All Night! Check it out and be sure to grab your copy today!

Title: Naughty All Night

Author: Jennifer Bernard

Genre: Contemporary Romance

About Naughty All Night:

A standalone novel in the sizzling Lost Harbor, Alaska series   Kate Robinson has had a talent for trouble since she was a young teen in Lost Harbor, Alaska, during summertime visits to her grandmother’s peony farm. It’s the only true home she’s ever known, so it’s where she retreats when REAL trouble chases her out of California, her legal career in ruins. Upon arriving, Kate finds her eccentric grandma has rented out her home! First order of business—eviction. So what if it’s a move that could get her shunned by the locals? She’s not known as Naughty Kate for nothing.   Fire Chief Darius Boone doesn’t need to add landlady troubles to his already busy plate, despite how fun it is to battle with C. Robinson, Attorney-at-Law. A series of small fires have been breaking out around Lost Harbor. Nothing harmful. Yet. But the number of blazes is steadily growing. The only thing taking his mind off this latest town drama is fiery Kate, who makes Darius want to be naughty with her…in all the best ways.   Trouble is one thing, but nothing has prepared Kate for the likes of “hottie fire chief” Darius Boone. Why not have some harmless naughty fun while she figures out her next move? But she never expected the heat the two of them would generate—or to fall so hard. The next time trouble strikes, everything she loves is on the line.

Grab Your Copy Today:

Amazon | Apple Books | Nook | Kobo | Google Play | Paperback

Exclusive Excerpt:

Exactly one minute ago, Kate Robinson had been speeding merrily toward town; one curve in the rutted road later, she was stuck in the mud with her wheels spinning uselessly. And if that wasn’t a perfect metaphor for her entire life, she didn’t know what was. She was supposed to be in Los Angeles right now, winning over juries and having brunch with friends—not fetching fertilizer for her grandmother’s peony farm in tiny Lost Harbor, Alaska. Movement at the side of the road caught her attention. A porcupine trundled toward the trees, half its quills raised in defense mode. She must have startled it with muddy disaster. With a sigh, she pressed the accelerator again, just in case something had changed in the past ten seconds. Whir. Spin. Nope. If anything, the car had sunk deeper into the mud. Maybe she shouldn’t have been dictating an email as she drove. It was a bad habit from her LA life. When you spent that much time stuck in traffic, you learned ways to use the time productively. Which was better, gridlock or a mud bath? At least with traffic, you knew you’d get moving eventually. On the other hand, the view from this particular mud bath was definitely better than a zillion brake lights. Spruce trees loomed on one side of the road, and a view of Misty Bay on the other. Against the backdrop of a slate-gray April sky, snowy peaks shone like jagged white teeth. Even though the mountains across the bay still had plenty of snow, at this elevation things were starting to edge toward spring. This was “break-up” season in Alaska, when the snow melted and the ground thawed, and mud swallowed up everything. Including the old Saab her grandmother Emma was letting her use. Maybe she could push the car out of the mud. She put her hand on the door handle, then remembered that she’d left her mud boots back at the farm. She’d been so excited about a drive to town that she’d put on her cute purple suede half-boots with the chunky heel. Suede didn’t like mud. If she was going to free the car by pushing it, she’d have to do it barefoot. A sound caught her attention, the low rumble of a vehicle coming from behind her. Potential rescue? Possible kidnapper? Since this was Lost Harbor, odds were on rescue, but she was taking no chances. She rummaged in her bag for the bear spray Emma had made her bring. The vehicle slowed to a stop behind her. It was a large crew cab truck with so much clearance it could probably drive right over her little Saab. The man who jumped out of it was equally large. His long legs came first—clad in work pants and mud boots. AKA what she should have been wearing. Then came the rest of him—broad and tall and muscular and a little intimidating, considering that she was alone in this forgotten spot on the side of a remote Alaskan road. He wore a weathered work jacket unzipped over a gray Henley. With easy strides, he made his way through the mud to her car. She kept her hand on the can of bear spray next to her on the seat. He noticed that move, and his lips quirked. They were very appealing lips, she noted. Firm and full, with a sensual curve to them. “If I help you un-muck your car, will you promise not to mace me?” His deep voice fit the general oversize nature of his physique. She relaxed enough to allow herself to smile at the stranger. “Do you think you can get me out of this? It’s a mess. I swear, that mud came out of nowhere, Officer.” One corner of his mouth lifted, indicating that he’d gotten her joke. But he maintained his serious expression. “You have to pay attention this time of year. No cell phones while driving.” Ah, so he’d spotted her phone on the seat next to her bear spray. “Are you planning to help me or lecture me?” “Maybe a lecture would help you.” His reasonable tone made her teeth clench. “I can guarantee that it wouldn’t. No one likes to be lectured.” “I said it might help you, not please you.” The word “please” in his deep, rumbling voice sparked a surprising little thrill deep in her belly. Oh no. None of that now. “If you want to please me, you could tell me what you recommend here. Do I need to call a tow truck?” He took a step back and surveyed the muddy ruts that had claimed her tires. “What have you tried so far?” “Not much. Just a little cursing and whining and regretting the fact that I didn’t bring my mud boots. I tried powering out of it, but that made it worse.” “Yes, that would make it worse. The tires can’t get any purchase on the mud, so they just dig the tracks deeper and deeper the more they spin. They need something solid to grip onto. I’m surprised you haven’t encountered this situation before. It is break-up, after all.” “I’m not from here.” She bit off each word as she spoke it. This was sounding suspiciously like that lecture she’d told him she didn’t want. “I’ve never seen break-up before. Not this kind, anyway. But I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my love life.” She could practically hear the “ba-da-bum” after that lame joke. He was watching her closely as she spoke. His eyes were two shades of blue south of gray, a surprisingly soft color in the midst of all that masculinity. They looked almost silvery in the misty light. Heat came to her cheeks under his scrutiny. “Sorry, dumb joke.” “Eh, it was all right.” He shrugged one massive shoulder. “A little obvious, but not bad.” For a murderous moment, she wondered how bad it would be if she used her bear spray on him right now. Surely someone else would come along to rescue her. “Can we get back to the main event here? Car. Mud. Stuck.”  

About the Author:

Jennifer Bernard is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance. Her books have been called “an irresistible reading experience” full of “quick wit and sizzling love scenes.” A graduate of Harvard and former news promo producer, she left big city life for true love in Alaska, where she now lives with her husband and stepdaughters. She still hasn’t adjusted to the cold, so most often she can be found cuddling with her laptop and a cup of tea. Sign up for her newsletter for book news and fun exclusives.

Connect with Jennifer:

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Love in Motion by Angela K. Parker

Title: Love in Motion
Author: Angela K. Parker
Genre: Contemporary/NA Romance
Release Date: July 14, 2020
Cover Design: Angela K. Parker

The thing about love…
It’s kind & beautiful, soft & hard, forgiving & emotional, but love can also be blind. Love can twist and turn you into someone unrecognizable.
That’s the way it was for Josie and me. She became my everything. I fell heart over mind, allowing her to take the only thing that I could call my own. The life I envisioned for us was blurred by secrets, hard to overcome. She made me question whether what we had was based on truth or a lie.
Dalton was an obstacle in the way of what I’d always shied away from, and the only way to reach my end was through him. So, I made a choice to get close to him, even when I shouldn’t have. We were never meant to be what we became. I didn’t intend for something forced to turn into something real. In the end, Dalton was so much more than just a means to an end. He held the key to everything, including my heart. It was his to have, to hold, to break, and to mend.
That’s the thing about love…
It can’t be forced. It just happens, and once it’s in motion, it’s impossible to stop.

Angela K. Parker is a country girl with a big heart. She's a South Carolina native with a passion for writing, reading, music, & math. When she’s not engaged in any of the above, she’s spending time with her family or catching up on the latest movies. She’s always had a very active imagination. Now she’s putting it to good use.


Mr. H.O.A (Fake It, #1) by Carina Taylor

Title: Mr. H.O.A.
Series: Fake It #1
Author: Carina Taylor
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: June 30, 2020


Bane Fox knows exactly what he wants in life: financial stability.

He does not want to be homeless.
He does not want to be the president of an HOA.

It’s rather unfortunate he is both of those things. 

Oh, and did I forget to mention he has a fake wife?
Yeah, that’s me

Purchase Links

$2.99 for a limited time!


Free in Kindle Unlimited


I started to pull away from Nola, but she stopped me with a hand on my waist. "Carol's still watching."
I didn't bother pointing out her lie. No one stood in Carol’s window, and Nola hadn't bothered to look over her shoulder to check. 
I studied the face in front of me. Her fake smile had been replaced with a soft look as she gazed back into my eyes.
"Okay," I said with a smile. I wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her closer, our hips brushing against each other.
"How was the little wife's day at work?"
Nola arched a smooth brow. "Little wife? Hmm, I think you're going to have to pick something different."
"How about Mrs. HOA?"
She scrunched her face up as she thought about it. "No, I don't think so. I think I prefer 'Your Highness.'"
She screeched when I ran my fingers up the side of her ribs. She leapt back, smacking at my reaching hand, laughing loudly. "Stop that!"
I made one more half-hearted grab for her. She glared at me. "If you tickle me, I won't share my pizza!"
I held both hands in the air in surrender. "When you say pizza, you mean..."
She narrowed her eyes at me as she opened the minivan door. "I mean pepperoni and cheese."
I shrugged. "Can't blame a guy for trying."
She passed the pizza to me, shut the car door, then smacked my butt as she jogged by.
I really wished our relationship was real. Maybe it could be.

Author Bio

Carina Taylor writes zany romantic comedies that make you ugly laugh.
When she's not writing, you can find her chasing after three little boys, ignoring her laundry pile, pretending to work out, drinking large amounts of coffee, and consuming as many cinnamon rolls as possible.

Author Links

Wild Night by Mari Carr

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Wild Night, an all-new smoking hot frenemies-to-lovers standalone from New York Times bestselling author Mari Carr is available now!

WN cover
He never realized the woman of his dreams is his lifelong frenemy…
After a few too many drinks at a Halloween party, Kelli spends the night in the arms of a man who rocks her world. However, when she learns her mystery Mr. Right is Mr. Hell No, Colm Collins, she’s ready to run for the hills. He’s more than a confirmed bachelor and highly regarded lawyer--not to mention the best sex of her life.
He’s also her least favorite person alive.
But Colm refuses to accept just one wild night with her. He wants them all--and this sexy man plays dirty.

Download your copy today! 
Apple Books: https://apple.co/36qtX48 
Amazon Worldwide: http://mybook.to/wildnight
Google Play: https://bit.ly/2Y9v8mb
Add WILD NIGHT to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2yv3Cp9

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About Mari Carr 
  irginia native Mari Carr is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller of contemporary romance novels. With over one million copies of her books sold, Mari was the winner of the Romance Writers of America’s Passionate Plume award for her novella, Erotic Research. She has over a hundred published works, including her popular Wild Irish and Compass books, along with the Trinity Masters series she writes with Lila Dubois.

Connect with Mari
BookBub: https://bit.ly/3h7lloa
Stay up-to-date with Mari, sign up for her newsletter: https://bit.ly/2Y7WMyI Website: https://maricarr.com/

Touchdown by Lisa Suzanne

  Release Date: October 21 As much as I’ve coached the pro football quarterback to believe he always has a choice, this time I’m the one bac...