Sunday, June 30, 2019

Zed (Rough Ink, #1) by MV Ellis

Title: Zed
Author: MV Ellis
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Rough Ink, book 1
Release Date: June 29, 2019
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: PopKitty Design
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 Available now! 
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Secrets from his past have scarred his heart. Can he trust her enough to learn to love again?  

In the eyes of the law, I’d atoned for the secrets of my past, but in my heart, I knew the debt I owed was too big to ever be repaid. I didn’t ask for forgiveness, because I knew I wasn’t worthy of it. Guilt weighed me down and scarred my heart.

If it wasn’t for my art, I’d probably be dead. The truth was, I had nothing else to live for. Or so I thought until Octavia Douglas came breezing unexpectedly into the picture. 

Sexy, stubborn, and smart enough to know better than to throw her future away on a guy like me, Vivi made me question everything I thought I already knew. I suddenly craved the happy ever after I’d never dared dream of, and knew I didn’t deserve.

 Available now! 
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MV ELLIS knows what it’s like to fall head over heels in love with a badass musician. She followed her heart halfway around the world to be with one. She moved from London to Sydney after a steamy holiday romance with a sexy bass player in sultry Brazil.

Twelve years, two children and a dog later, and she’s still smitten. All this with a guy she sat next to on a bus for 36 hours! She has toured internationally as a “WAG,” and her experiences inspire her writing.
Ellis’s love of romance began when she was 11 years old, after a summer spent secretly reading her auntie’s books. She’s been a sucker for an alpha hero and strong heroine ever since.

An avid reader, Ellis always knew she’d write a book of her own one day. She was right about that. Following a career spanning advertising, marketing, and social media, she finally wrote Catching London in 2017.

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Halton (Vested Interest, #6) by Melanie Moreland

Title: Halton
Author: Melanie Moreland

Series: Vested Interest; Book 6
Genre: Contemporary Romance

When love turns to hate -- that's where I come in.

I'm Halton Andrew Smithers, attorney. Hal to my clients and friends.

Messy divorces, deadbeat dads, runaway wives, cheating partners -- I handle them all.

I know the seedy side of love, and it isn't pretty. I avoid emotional attachments -- I've seen all too often when hot passion turns to frozen tundra.

I satisfy myself with helping people behind the scenes. It gives me a sense of satisfaction that completes my life.

Until she enters it and everything I believe is turned upside down.

She fills a void I never knew existed, and I know without her, my life will never be the same again.

For the first time, I want to try.

For her.

But am I strong enough?

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About the Author

New York Times/USA Today bestselling author Melanie Moreland, lives a happy and content life in a quiet area of Ontario with her beloved husband of twenty-seven-plus years and their rescue cat, Amber. Nothing means more to her than her friends and family, and she cherishes every moment spent with them.

While seriously addicted to coffee, and highly challenged with all things computer-related and technical, she relishes baking, cooking, and trying new recipes for people to sample. She loves to throw dinner parties, and she also enjoys traveling, here and abroad, but finds coming home is always the best part of any trip.

Melanie loves stories, especially paired with a good wine, and enjoys skydiving (free falling over a fleck of dust) extreme snowboarding (falling down stairs) and piloting her own helicopter (tripping over her own feet). She's learned happily ever afters, even bumpy ones, are all in how you tell the story.

Melanie is represented by Flavia Viotti at Bookcase Literary Agency. For questions regarding subsidiary or translation rights please contact her at


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Dating Roulette by D. Kelly

We are less than two weeks away from the release of DATING ROULETTE by D. Kelly. This brand new standalone romance will be released on July 9th - check out a new teaser below and be sure to pre-order your copy today!

Bexley Seven Dates. Seven chances to win my heart. It’s not hard – Don’t put ketchup on your eggs. Don’t wear tasseled loafers. For the love of all that’s Holy, don’t ogle the waitress. See? Simple… Yet no one can get it right.
Tristan Dating Roulette. It’s Bexley’s game. Correction - it’s her life. A constant rotation of dates. You might get one; you might get seven. No one has ever gotten to eight. There’s only one rule – Don’t commit a dating sin. I’ve watched for years and bided my time. Now, it’s my turn to play.

Add DATING ROULETTE to your Goodreads TBR!


Pre-order DATING ROULETTE today! Amazon | Apple | Nook | Kobo


About D. KELLY

Kelly, author of The Acceptance Series, The Illusion Series, and standalone companion novels Chasing Cassidy and Sharing Rylee, was born and raised in Southern California. She’s a wife, mom, dog lover, taxi, problem fixer, and extreme multi-tasker. She married her high school sweetheart and is her kids’ biggest fan. Kelly has been writing since she was young and took joy in spinning stories to her childhood friends. Margaritas and sarcasm make her smile, she loves the beach but hates the sand, and she believes Starbucks makes any day better. A contemporary romance writer, D. Kelly’s stories revolve around friendship and the bond it creates, strengthening the love of the people who share it. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Newsletter | BookBub

Severance by N.N. Britt

Today we have the cover reveal of N.N. Britt’s SEVERANCE! Check out the gorgeous cover and pre-order you copy today!

Title: Severance

Author: N.N. Britt

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release Date: July 25th

About Severance:

They say first love doesn’t last. Alana’s ends on the night her boyfriend Dakota dies in a deadly shooting at a Portland club.   In an attempt to look for ways to deal with her grief, Alana reaches out to Dakota’s older brother Mikah, who’s struggling with moving on himself.   Both damaged beyond repair, neither Alana or Mikah know how to cope with their loss. What’s worse, they have zero idea how to handle the unexpected feelings they start developing for each other.

Pre-Order Your Copy Today!

Exclusive Excerpt:

My teeth are chattering by the time I make it to the rear of the building. Running outside without my coat in the middle of February isn’t one of my best ideas, but the truth is, I’m so numb, I can barely feel anything. Mikah’s sitting on the edge of a massive concrete flower bed. It probably looked happy and colorful during the summer, but right now, the soil is desiccated and covered with a blanket of dirty old snow. The gloomy, ominous clouds hang low above our heads, threatening yet another blizzard. This winter has been one of the longest I’ve ever seen, one of the darkest too, and I catch myself thinking that I desperately want it to end. Even if it wipes out all the good memories. I just want to stop feeling broken. Mikah’s turned with his back to me, cigarette smoke floating around him like a halo. The snow crunches under the weight of my suede shoes as I walk quietly over to the flower bed, my fingers clutched in front of me, my heart rate kicking up. There are thousands of words in my head, yet none of them seem to be appropriate. “Are you just gonna stand there?” Mikah rasps out after a while without looking at me. He brushes the traces of tears from his cheeks with the back of his hand, tosses the last of his cigarette on the ground, and draws another one from the pack that’s sitting next to him on the cement block. “Can I have one?” I ask, blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. “Since when do you smoke?” He chuckles, shifting to face me. His green eyes, still glistening from his tears, search mine. “Since now.” I shrug, shuffling my feet. My toes are completely frozen and my body has reached a point where moving only makes it more painful, but at least if someone decides to shoot at us, there’s plenty of room to run. There are no walls and no missing exit signs. Mikah rises and closes the space between us in three strides. “Here.” He takes off his suit jacket, puts it over my shoulders, and gives me his cigarette. His gaze catches mine and we stand motionless for a few moments staring at each other, probably wondering whether the things we’re each feeling right now are any different. When two people are sad over the same person’s death, there’s a strange type of connection, frightening and nerve-racking. It’s like we have this invisible bond and we understand each other without the need to speak. I’ve never smoked in my life and I have no idea how to hold a cigarette, so I grab it across the middle with my thumb and index finger, wondering which end goes into my mouth. Although I just saw Mikah smoking, my brain has completely lost it. “The other way,” he says, stepping back to get another for himself. “Okay,” I mumble under my breath. I stick it between my lips but immediately remove it when the unpleasant taste of tobacco on my tongue causes my stomach to churn. My injured palm stings with the movement, but I try not to think about the pain. “You dated a dude who was in a fucking rock band and he didn’t teach you how to smoke, Church Girl?” Mikah rolls his eyes and flicks his lighter in front of my face.


About N.N. Britt

N.N. Britt is a Los Angeles-based music journalist and photographer whose articles appeared in numerous publications. Her photos have graced t-shirts, billboards, and CD covers. When she is not writing or drinking coffee, she is probably reading or attending a heavy metal show.

Connect with N.N.

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Hart of Darkness (The Hart Series) by S.B. Alexander

The road to love is paved in the dark.

Former gang member Dillon Hart abandoned the streets to join the US Merchant Marines. He feels his life is finally on track until he returns home to discover that his sixteen-year-old sister is missing. With his younger brother in jail and his older brother living a life of crime, it’s up to Dillon to find Grace. After four years of searching, a phone call from a morgue gives him a lead that he can’t pass up. Enlisting the help of a cutthroat reporter may be his only hope.

Crime reporter Maggie Marx has just the right mix of grit and sex appeal to get anything she wants, even the darkest stories on the street. Growing up in a gang, she had her fair share of setbacks and obstacles. When Dillon Hart seeks her help, she’s more than ready to take down the street's biggest enemy. Her actions could help her exact revenge or land her in the belly of the beast.

As Dillon and Maggie team up to search for Dillon’s sister, they aren’t prepared to find what lies ahead. One family is torn apart. Another is brought together. Hearts are shredded, secrets are uncovered, and love takes on a whole new meaning.

I'm Susan Alexander, and you'll find my books under S.B. Alexander. A little about me. I've been writing since 2012 and started with writing all about vampires. After the second vampire book, I began to branch out in New Adult Romance. I love to read mostly all genres, and I'm always game to try something new. So I tested my hand at writing romantic suspense and just loved it. So you'll find I write in several different sub-genres of romance.

In between writing, I spend time with my soul mate of 20 years who got a bad deal in life. Three years ago he was diagnosed with ALS. It's a horrible disease, but we both have been making the best of life, laughing, smiling, and doing what we can together.

But writing is a great outlet for me to take my mind to another place. Plus, I have a great network of family, friends, fans, and so much more. I truly have an angel on my shoulder. My mantra is make the best of life because it's too darn short.

Zed (Rough Ink, #1) by MV Ellis

Title: ZED
Series: Rough Ink #1
Author: MV Ellis
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 28, 2019
Cover Design: PopKitty Design
Secrets from his past have scarred his heart. Can he trust her enough to learn to love again? 
In the eyes of the law, I’d atoned for the secrets of my past, but in my heart, I knew the debt I owed was too big to ever be repaid. I didn’t ask for forgiveness, because I knew I wasn’t worthy of it. Guilt weighed me down and scarred my heart.
If it wasn’t for my art, I’d probably be dead. The truth was, I had nothing else to live for. Or so I thought until Octavia Douglas came breezing unexpectedly into the picture. 
Sexy, stubborn, and smart enough to know better than to throw her future away on a guy like me, Vivi made me question everything I thought I already knew. I suddenly craved the happy ever after I’d never dared dream of, and knew I didn’t deserve.

MV ELLIS knows what it’s like to fall head over heels in love with a badass musician. She followed her heart halfway around the world to be with one. She moved from London to Sydney after a steamy holiday romance with a sexy bass player in sultry Brazil.
Twelve years, two children and a dog later, and she’s still smitten. All this with a guy she sat next to on a bus for 36 hours! She has toured internationally as a “WAG,” and her experiences inspire her writing.
Ellis’s love of romance began when she was 11 years old, after a summer spent secretly reading her auntie’s books. She’s been a sucker for an alpha hero and strong heroine ever since.
An avid reader, Ellis always knew she’d write a book of her own one day. She was right about that. Following a career spanning advertising, marketing, and social media, she finally wrote Catching London in 2017.

Touchdown by Lisa Suzanne

  Release Date: October 21 As much as I’ve coached the pro football quarterback to believe he always has a choice, this time I’m the one bac...